About me, Nicola.
After giving birth to my my first son, I went about trying to find an exercise class to reconnect me to my body but really I felt there was not enough information out there for me to know what was right and what was wrong for my postnatal body.
Now a qualified pre-and post natal specialist I understand the importance of staying strong during your pregnancy, preparing for your birth and making the right decisions in your postnatal recovery exercise. For me the outdoors is always been a passion for teaching.
My Buggyfit class is outdoors with the buggy, an absolute priority to appreciate fresh air and to get my baby and me outdoors enjoying the seasons whilst working on my postnatal strength recovery. My Mumfit Class is an indoors intermediate and includes cardio and strength training with focus on regaining pelvic floor and core strength.
Once mums have recovered initially from their pregnancy and birth, I offer a challenging HIIT class. Mums must be six months minimum postnatal to join in with this class and my preference is that they attended Buggyfit or Motherhood Circuits first and not be suffering from pelvic floor incontinence or diastasis recti (seperation of the tummy muscles). I also love getting my PT clients outdoors, the fresh air adds to their endorphin levels and makes such an impact on their mental health.
During pregnancy a lot of us are focussing on the way our amazing bodies are changing, about preparing for the birth and how long we have left before we meet our precious new arrival.
Some of us think less about preparing our bodies for the birth and our post natal recovery whether that be a vaginal or a Caesarian. Some of us have never even heard of Diastasis Recti or organ prolapse and what we can do to help avoid it. I thought a bit about how much stamina I would need to get through the birth but never knew how tough it will be to look after a new baby whilst your body is in recovery mode. There was absolutely no education offered to me when I was pregnant about what I should be or could be doing whilst pregnant to give me the highest chance of having the best birth possible and the quickest recovery I could. I'm not a Yoga or Pilates girl so those classes never reached out to me (maybe that was my downfall).
Now I know how important my core and pelvic floor is and how I should be working on these two things to help gain inner strength pre and postnatally. Having taught postnatal fitness for several years now and continuing my pre and postnatal education I feel a total calling to help and educate other mums, so they can make safe and ideal exercise and nutrition choices during their pre and postnatal journeys.
Are you a mum who wants to get back into fitness or start a new fitness routine?
Do you want to feel the strongest and healthiest you can be during pregnancy?
Do you want to feel fit, powerful and energised?
Does the thought of going to a busy gym feel you with dread?
Are you feeling like you need to get a bit of you back?
Do you want to get back into fitness but just need that encouragement to take that leap?
You don’t need as many questions and of course can have different ones
Becoming a mum is both incredible and at times really tough! Your body goes through an amazing transformation, your life changes and you begin an emotional and physical roller-coaster which is exhilarating yet at times exhausting. So, where and how does fitness fit into this?
‘Surely I just go back to my old routine and take it easy?’
‘Maybe try an exercise class but just modify the movements or skip the ones you can’t do’
‘Actually, when I have a bit more time and feel better, I will get into exercise.’
‘I can’t get childcare.’
These are all things I have heard women say and some rightly justifiable. BUT juggling motherhood and fitness is achievable and something that you deserve to do as a woman and a mum.
After giving birth to my first son, I tried to find a postnatal exercise class to reconnect me to my body and start my post baby fitness journey but there was just not enough information out there for me to know what was right and what was wrong for my postnatal body. I knew that my body wasn’t the same but my doctor had signed me off so I was good to go, right? Wrong!
Having taught postnatal fitness for several years now and continuing my pre and postnatal education, I feel passionate in helping and educating other mums, so they can make safe and effective exercise and nutrition choices during their pre and postnatal journeys I have seen women rush back into fitness which is completely unsuitable for postnatal women, this then results in more damage being done than good.
Every woman is different, every birth is different and you as a woman and a mum you matter. I can help you become successful in our own fitness goal; whether it is to lose weight, strengthen and tone your body, prepare your body for birth or most importantly feel good about you again. Some of my classes are held outside which not only adds to your endorphin levels, it also has an amazing positive impact on your mental health.
Please click on the links below to find out more information about the classes and personal training sessions I offer.
Motherhood starts from the day you are pregnant and that incredible journey continues throughout your life. But it is YOUR journey. You deserve to feel amazing, fit, strong, powerful and energised. Go on, take that leap today and change your life for the better.