How important is our PELVIC FLOOR MUSCLE?

How important is our PELVIC FLOOR MUSCLE?

The answer is VERY!

I know what's it's like. You have your baby and the nice Physio from the hospital gives you a leaflet with some exercises that your supposed to do on a daily basis. You smile, take the leaflet, stuff it in your bag along with a few other free handouts and then go home to start your new life with your new baby.

Over the next few days you stop sleeping become a human milk machine and watch your life get turned upside down and you totally forget all about your pelvic floor.

Three months later, your GP signs you off and says that you're all set to do exercise again! You go home, dust off that aerobics DVD or maybe put on your running kit and off you go.........until you realise that it doesn't feel like it used to down there, shock horror!!! Maybe even a little bit off wee came out!!!! Ahhhh, does this mean I have to start wearing Tenna Lady, don't take me, I'm too young!

You find that leaflet that the Physio gave you along with some money off coupons that could have been really useful 3 months ago and curse yourself for not looking earlier.

Now is your chance to save that pelvic floor muscle, remember you only have one, so look after her and I promise she will look after you!

Nicola x


Motherhood fitness is a great way to get active with your children