Motherhood fitness is a great way to get active with your children
Motherhood fitness is a great way to get active with your children in tow. However adorable it is to see your little one having fun, sometimes we all need to have a little bit of ‘me time’ dedicated just to ourselves. You don’t have to wave goodbye to the family for a full day to feel like you’ve had quality self-care just spending thirty minutes to an hour trying an activity is all you need to feel recharged and ready to have more time for the rest of your family. It’s also the perfect way to pick up lost fitness plans from pre pregnancy.
In our normal lives we get so caught up in routines and commitments that making time for our own health and fitness is a struggle.
Finding time and feeling guilty about what you should be doing – emails, household chores or quality time with your children can prevent you from taking time out to exercise, and that feeling sometimes follows you. Time to take a step back, if you can do anything that makes you feel good about yourself you come out more centred and better able to look after your family. You don’t need a whole da. Going for a walk or a short bike ride or going outside for five minutes to get that silence and clarity that will make you more present afterwards.
Physical exercise is a great way to slow your racing mind. When we exercise our attention has to be in our physical body, we can’t get caught up in our anxieties and worries. People think it’s just slow sports that provide this mental break, but sweaty activities can be incredibly grounding because the very nature of them brings you into the present moment. Hopefully, I’ve convinced you to take some time for yourself. Whether it’s Buggyfit, Motherhood Circuits or Metafit, come along and release those feel good hormones.
Thank you Claire Chamberlain
New book ‘Self-Care, how to live mindfully and look after yourself’.